Recap of the Project

I've been working on this some time now and never got around to asking for feedback since I thought the Gameplay wasn't ready. Now I think the full loop is there.

Don't judge the art... it's my first attempt at ... art, like, ever. I'm interested in hearing about the Gameplay. 

If you are still reading, I'd thought I'd give you a run down of the process by quoting the Commit Messages I left to myself while working until this point and a few comments on it if I remember what they were about. Here we go:

  1. First Back Up - I should've done this sooner.
    1. It's never too soon to get a back going but this is something anyone can relate to.
  2. Second Back Up! I hope nothing breaks
    1. There wasn't much TO break, but I didn't know it then
  3. Objectives have been created and are being tracked, thank you Reina.
    1. Reina told me that without a goal, there was no point so I worked on that for this.
  4. Text in Shop Menu now response to Objectives achieve or not
    1. My English is very fluent as you can see above. That said, it was exciting to see that the game knew if I had completed the selected objective or if I hadn't
  5. Better Customer temp Icons and placement. Getting ready to get customers moving
  6. Customers are on the move!!! loads of work steel for them to work as intended though
    1. English, why you be like that: Still*
  7. Incliding all new scripts
    1. Yeah, I don't know what I said here so...
  8. The Walking customers! Customers coming and out of the scene depending on their status and order XD
    1. Don't leave commit messages in the dark: come in*
    2. This was very exciting to be honest.
  9. A bit refactoring the check objective section
  10. Adding created un tracked scripts
    1. Again, I don't know what that means
  11. Fix the AutoPickUp issue (I think): OrderPickUp was never unsubscribing from bouquet.AddingToBouquetEvent. Hopefully this is the issue
    1. I guess it was. No issues on the front anymore
  12. Event to alert Objective Failed is in place and test is promising needs Ads to work as intended
  13. Button to trigger ads is kinda ready. Ads need to be implemented.
    1. Ads were implemented a gazillion commits later
  14. Customers have Levels and Stages Levels are a WIP
    1. Customers had levels? 
    2. I had to check what I meant and Yes, customers can have different difficulties all that means is that they wait less time the "higher" their level.
  15. Level Difficulty is in place, Timer changes colour depending on how long has the customer been waiting
  16. BoxCollider2D for customers now are only enabled when Ordering. I tried to implement Reina's suggestion but something broke so I'll leave it for now.
    1. I don't know what was the suggestion but I guess I didn't want to risk it.
  17. Drain has been implemented. But still need to replanish the list of Decor to Use during runtime
    1. Drain refers to a GMTK video about Economy. It's great go take a look here: 
  18. AutoPickUp has been stream lined but doesn't take into account wait time of customers.
    1. It still doesn't and I'm calling that a Feature!
  19. Getting difficulty to be progressive working
    1. I'm not sure what this was about, but YAY! Azrael from the past!
  20. You now need Keys to open Crates. Keys are handed after a Successful Objective and Plants (6) are implemented
  21. Created a new CustomerStatus "ChoosingASpotInLine" it seems to help but more testing is needed.
    1. There was an issues about finding the spots where to order from and this kinda helped at the time
  22. Finally, Customers in FlowerShopScene don't get stuck and wait for available spots to order and the like
    1. Truth was that ChoosingASpotInLIne had nothing to do with the issue but a book that wasn't set properly, although I still don't get why it needed to be set in that way
  23. Finally full working menus and game loop. Still loads of optimizing and testing left.
    1. Oh, Azrael from the past, how naive you were. 
  24. FlowerShop scene: Buttons aline by themselves thanks to Grid Layout Group. GardenScene: Not enough items now returns items to Decor
  25. Notifications are working. Customers have "Faces" that change with their wait time and the levels display "Stars" and Key if those objectives are achieved.
    1. This was to further the rewards to something more visual
  26. Items Quantities now matter to the game. When harvesting/Purchasing the item quantity increases and Item Buttons respond to the quantity :)
    1. This was important since having items in your inventory allows you to then sell them to customers
  27. Ads have been Implemented for testing. Need to rethink the reward... maybe? IDK
    1. Told you! The reward was rethought, I think... can't remember what it was at this point.
  28. Player need to harvest or purchase and item before they can see it in the Shop Items List to take to the shop.
    1. There was no relation between inventory and selection menu and this solved that
  29. More responsive Shop Items List. and NotInvIew() in ShopScene to avoid customers ordering outside of view. I hope nothing breaks.
    1. Everything broke!
  30. New Upgrade (Kind Customers), New mechanic: Customers loose time if you try to give them an order they are not expecting. Loads of optimization on the buttons: they now all work with ON/Off and launch Ads if no monies. Panels Hide if their GardenState doesn't match
    1. Ads in this game are on testing mode and they are only there if the player is trying to do something but doesn't have the means to do it. I don't like Ads that I never asked for so I thought if you watch an Ad in my game you will choose when that happens and get a reward for it.
  31. Something is making the ShopScene crash, I'm not sure what it is but here are a couple of updates to CustomerHandler. I think that's the script causing the issues.
    1. I told you, everything broke and yes it was that script, and no, this didn't fix it.
  32. Bug fixed!: al parecer el problema era un !isOrderLive mal puesto cuando el customer estaba en arriving y queria pasar a ordering. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again.
    1. I was so exited that it was fixed that I just wrote it down in Spanish
    2. It turns out that this is when I discovered that the bool was causing the issue.
  33. Energy System is being started but no way to ADD energy to the game yet. OrderManager and OrderCreator now use Events instead of Corroutines and they work! YAY
    1. Energy... this is a fun set of updates /s
  34. Energy Check before going to the shop has been implemented in Garden Scene (still needs work but its a start)
    1. Wait for it
  35. Energy system was eliminated (not the right fit for this game). Also, Monies from SHOP scene are now added only for the New Record for an Objective (this will force the player to try better combinations and push to higher levels. I hope)
    1. And Energy is dead! Turns out that was a bad idea.
    2. In this game you have to grow your own plant before you sell, it that in itself is already a way to pace the game much more diegetic than any Energy system
  36. New Objectives Array has been listed to allow currentlevel to select objectives accordingly. ALSO a failed attempt at Saving System that didn't work because ScriptableObjects aren't Serializable
    1. The only Array in the only game! it helps make sure that each level has objectives that are more difficult.
    2. Saving system was a good attempt
  37. Scene Save after Removing failed Save System components and ISaveables
  38. Saving Scene Data is working!!! Now to find out how to save changes in ScriptableObjects =X
    1. This was frustrating but it was satisfying to accomplish!
  39. Saving for SO and GameData is running!!!! F-YEAH!!!! Time ti test! .|mI |mI.
    1. It was exciting :)
  40. Save System works when changing scenes too! :)
    1. This was expected but still :)
  41. Plant Buttons have been sorted. Issue with Saving plantIndex has been corrected. Next: Implement ISaveable to Decor and Plant
    1. Plant never needed ISaveable
  42. I think I did it! ISaveable has been implemented in Decor. Fingers cross actual testing confirms this!
    1. it did! :)
  43. Minor Bug Fixes: Update Log Message for Decor Save and created a check to see if the decorload exists. AdsInitializer has a couple of tweaks to try and make it initialize better (I hope it works). All Decors now have an actual name and description.
    1. Ads weren't loading after changing scene, this didn't fix that.
  44. Ads loading seems to be fixed. new "Upgrade" called Worker Exploitation has been implemented. Message of purchase when upgrades are purchased.
    1. The service industry should pay livable wages! Tips shouldn't be needed to cover for a good wage.
  45. Price Updates and Clearer objectives in the shop scene. + Escape Button.
    1. Before you start selling the game tells you what you are aiming for. Took me long enough to do this
    2. You can now exit the game by going Back in your screen.
  46. Garden Tutorial is in Place!!!!! Also, new coin animation
    1. And here's where we are now.

Wow, 46 commits... It's been a long journey but I hope you enjoy the game. Next Devlogs will most likely be one liners but now you are caught up!


Florist.0.15.apk 19 MB
Jun 19, 2022

Get Prototype: Amateur Florist


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Oh, boy! Such a big update, congrats! 👏

Btw, an easier way to gather feedback is by providing an HTML version of the game (so testers don't have to go through all the hops in Android to install an unsigned APK). It's fairly easy to generate the HTML from Unity and you can publish it here in

Keep up the good work!

Thanks man! Yeah, I tried exporting an HTML version, but Unity give me an error that I haven't been able to identify yet. I've been delaying the posting this for too long out of "dev fear" so I thought to not stop because of that error and post what I have. :)

This is a huge list of things!!! Pretty big!

I thought I'd separate it but felt I would be best to go all in... But yeah, I wander who's going to read it all xD